February 19, 2023

~Prompt: "...And you thought dragons didn't exist."~

 (originally written on March 30, 2018)

    Two people, my friend and I, stood in a not so casual silence with contradicting expressions. While I was gawking at the "surprise" my "friend", who was holding me in a smug expression, stood lazily relaxed by the recently locked door. Now let me start off by saying the "surprise" was not his room, no, it's what was in his overly unkempt room.

Although random dirty clothes laid scattered along with discarded cans and candy papers that when combined gave off concerning smells, there was actually something enjoying itself in my friend's room! I thought it was a cat, but it turned out to be a dragon- no really, like in those fairytales we'd listen to growing up. Of all the friggin' things in the world! "Come to my house," he says. "I got a really cool surprise," he says.

After what felt like hours, my bugged out eyes finally relocated themselves back in my skull and my exasperated face started to seethe. My friend's smug smile seemed to grow like the Cheshire cat's grin. "And you thought drangons sisn't exist," he snickered. Through gritted teeth gritted teeth I hiss, "How," while jerking a thumb towards the winged-lizard scuffling in a supposedly once white, now gray, shirt. I swear that thing was getting a contact high of some sort.

My friend, still giggling, knelt down and helped it out of his shirt. "I found it," he said albeit too casually as if he were talking about a stray cat. I have to admit, his chill demenour in this situation was almost admirable.


"Take it back."

"What?! Why?!"


"I don't wanna!"

"It's not like you can take care of it."

"Yes I can! Besides how am I gonna throw this cute face into the cold, hard streets?"

Before I could argue further, my friend held the dragon up to my face. Surprisingly, this gave me a better, more detailed of the little winged-lizard. Truth-be-told, it was cute and about the size of a siamese cat. The dragon had bright green eyes with some sort of glow dancing within them along with thin slitted pupils. Its scales- starting at the top of the snout to the tip of the tail -were a deep rosey red;additionally, its underbelly and the thin skin on its delicately folded wings were a nice shade of pink, taffy pink maybe. It was quite the majestic being while it picked at my friend's face with starch white talons.

"Take. It. Back." I hissed through clenched teeth. My friend looked at me in shock, before, almost in a flash, his face scrunched up, eyes narrowed, brows furrowed, and cheecks puffed out. "No!" He retorted, sounding and looking like a child as he possesivily held the dragon. "How are you going to take care of a dragon?!" I tried to reason with him but my patience was thinning. He continued to pout as a response while the dragon stared at him oddly.

Being fed up with my friend's childish behavior I opened my mouth wide, preparing to scream my two cents at him. However, before I could shoot my voice outward, a loud and furious rapid banging at the front door beat me to it. Seeing the confused expression on my friend's face was enough to tell me no one else was to be showing up.

We both rushed towards the loud and furious rapid banging at the front door. Whoever was on the other side must've sensed our presence since the banging ceased. "Who is it," my friend's voice cracked, laced with unease, as he held the dragon closer. "Oh dearies, I smelled something of mine in there," came the super odd reply. We glanced at eachother unsteadily at eachother before my friend, almost in a state of panic, swung the door open. There stood a frail, old woman hunched over in black robes covering most of her wrinkly, weather worn skin. Both a thoughtful and playful look danced within her glass gray eyes as she stared at my friend.

"Ahh, I see you've got my dragon," she hummed. The dragon purred at her.